Graduates and their Positions

The department has been researching graduates’ labour market opportunities and the positions they have assumed since 2007.

Examples of organizations that employed the department graduates and their positions:

- Education Coordinator, People in Need

- Consultant, Cesta domů, o.s.

- Founder and Co-Funder of PRAGULIC - this project received a number of international and CR awards

- Manager, Amnesty International

- Fund-Raising Manager at the Divoké Husy foundation

-Assistant at Česká Odborná Společnost pro Inkluzivní Vzdělávání (Czech Professional Society for Inclusive Education)

- Editor at CSR Fórum, CSR Project Manager, Agentura Publicon

- Chairman of the Oživenícitizens’s association

- Assistant to Executive Director, T-Mobile ČR

- Social Therapist, Mapping Barrier Coordinator, Centrum Slunečnice

- Methodologist for School Democracy Evaluation, Gemini o.s., CEDU

- Project Manager, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

- Project Manager, Department HeadNROS (Civil Society Development Foundation)

- Head of Company PhilanthropyFórum Dárců

- Social Services Community Planning Coordinator, Social Welfare Department, Brno City Authority, the Domovy Potřebnýchfoundation fund

- EU Fund Department Manager, Prague City Authority

- Head of the Probation and Mediation Service, Jičín

- Director, LORM – Society for deaf and blind

- Contact Manager for the “Make a Connection – Připoj Se” program, NROS (Civil Society Development Foundation)

- Glopolis, o.p.s., (Prague institute for global policies)

- University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Founder of Kačaba, a cafe and tea-room in Pilsen


Last change: March 17, 2016 12:42 
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Charles University

Faculty of Humanities

Civil Society Studies

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Czech Republic


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