Publications and Other Creative Work
MUHIČ DIZDAREVIČ, Selma. Participation in the 7th Framework Program of the European Commission entitled “Combating Social Exclusion among Young Homeless Populations”
MUHIČ DIZDAREVIČ, Selma. Participation in the 7th Framework Program of the European Commission entitled “Societal Engagement in Science, Mutual Learning in Cities”.
MUHIČ DIZDAREVIČ, Selma. Representative of the Czech Women’s Lobby in the Council of the CR Government for Sustainable Development
MUHIČ DIZDAREVIČ, Selma. Vice-Chair of the Czech Helsinki Committee
MUHIČ DIZDAREVIČ, Selma. Administrative Board Member of Magenta, a Dutch foundation.
MUHIČ DIZDAREVIČ, Selma. Active collaboration with the following organizations: Poradna pro občanství, občanská a lidská práva (Counseling Center for Citizenship, Civil and Human Rights), Poradna pro integraci (Counseling Center for Integration) and Slovo 21.
MUHIČ DIZDAREVIČ, Selma - SMITH, Joan. Young Homeless People in the Czech Republic: A Comparative Perspective. European Journal of Homelessness, 2011, 5(1), 67-83.
MUHIČ DIZDAREVIČ, Selma - SOHLER, Karin - LANGTHALER, Herbert et al. Refugees and Asylum Seekers as Civic and Political Actors in European Asylum Regimes. Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and Migration, 2009, 4(2), 39-52.
MUHIČ DIZDAREVIČ, Selma. Monitoring integration in the Czech Republic. Measuring and monitoring immigrant integration in Europe: integration policies and monitoring efforts in 17 European countries. 1st issue Haag: The Netherlands Institute for Social Research/SCP, 2012, pp. 81-98. ISBN 978-90-377-0569-0.
MUHIČ DIZDAREVIČ, Selma. A Question of Equality. Some Aspects of the Temporary Restrictions in Access to the EU-15 Labor Market in the Czech Republi. Debating Migration: Political Discourses on Labor Immigration in Historical Perspective. Innsbruck/Wien/Bozen: Studienverlag, 2009, ISBN 978-3-7065-4858-8.
MUHIČ DIZDAREVIČ, Selma. Neregulérní migrace v kontextu imigrační a integrační politiky EU. Neregulérní pobyt cizinců v ČR: problémy a jejich řešení. 1st issue. Prague: Člověk v tísni, Multikulturní centrum Praha, Organizace pro pomoc uprchlíkům, Poradna pro uprchlíky, 2008, pp. 17-22.