Graduates and their positions ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** The department has been researching graduates’ labour market opportunities and the positio assumed since 2007. Examples of organizations that employed the department graduates and their positions: - Education Coordinator, People in Need - Consultant, Cesta domů, o.s. - Founder and Co-Funder of PRAGULIC - this project received a number of international and - Manager, Amnesty International - Fund-Raising Manager at the Divoké Husy foundation -Assistant at Česká Odborná Společnost pro Inkluzivní Vzdělávání (Czech Professional Socie Education) - Editor at CSR Fórum, CSR Project Manager, Agentura Publicon - Chairman of the Oživenícitizens’s association - Assistant to Executive Director, T-Mobile ČR - Social Therapist, Mapping Barrier Coordinator, Centrum Slunečnice - Methodologist for School Democracy Evaluation, Gemini o.s., CEDU - Project Manager, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs - Project Manager, Department HeadNROS (Civil Society Development Foundation) - Head of Company PhilanthropyFórum Dárců - Social Services Community Planning Coordinator, Social Welfare Department, Brno City Aut Domovy Potřebnýchfoundation fund - EU Fund Department Manager, Prague City Authority - Head of the Probation and Mediation Service, Jičín - Director, LORM – Society for deaf and blind - Contact Manager for the “Make a Connection – Připoj Se” program, NROS (Civil Society Dev Foundation) - Glopolis, o.p.s., (Prague institute for global policies) - University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Founder of Kačaba, a cafe and tea-room in Pilsen etc.